
We want to introduce our team to you! If you are looking for any specific skill for your project/product, we can help you find the right consultant.

Ingen person hittades som matchar din sökning!
Portrait of Adam Eliasson
Adam Eliasson
Test Engineer

I'm a software tester with a passion for the end user perspective. In a complex product development process, with many strong opinions, it's easy to neglect the end user and lose the value we set out to create. I won't let that happen!


Portrait of Alexander Bauduin
Alexander Bauduin
Task Force Member

I am an expert in testing safety-critical complex systems. My goal is to bring to life the product you've imagined. My way of thinking: Human first, automation second.


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Portrait of Andreas
Andreas Enqvist
Test Engineer

Enjoy working when you as a tester is given time/freedom to work more deeply with a product regardless if it's software or hardware, creating test setups to ensure that you have done everything in your power to ensure a product works as designed, best feeling of course is when a bug is found and you can pin point where we as a team need to do better.


Portrait of Andrei Rădulescu
Andrei Rădulescu
Solution Design Engineer

As a well-rounded engineer, I seek to put my creativity to work with mind-bending challenges. I am always in pursuit of an in-depth understanding of products, resulting from close interaction with research and development groups. This aids me in being both a rapid prototyper for working solutions and a seeker for the most elegant one after the storm has passed.


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Portrait of Andrew Orange
Andrew Orange
Test Engineer

Throughout my multi-role career and even as a developer, I’ve always enjoyed testing the products I’ve worked on. Finding testing gurus like Michael Bolton and James Bach threw me deeper into context-driven testing methodologies. In Switzerland, House of Test is the only company where I can practise this professionally and mingle with like-minded people.


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Portrait of Carin Cedergren
Carin Cedergren
Test Engineer

I am positive person who thrives on sweet, sweet irritation that forces us to break out of those old routines. I have more than 10 years of experience in software testing and I love what I do, and I love getting better at it. I also love beer, kittens and bad barbarian movies.


Portrait of Christian
Christian Jonsson
Test Engineer

I have always thrived with the investigative work of testing. Gathering information, questioning assumptions and filling out the blanks. I'm not that interested in the green, its in the unexpected i find excitement. Its not uncommon to see green results as the end goal. But its like fishing, and never getting a bite. Are there really no fish in the lake, or do you need to switch to a different bait or a different spot?


Portrait of Conny
Conny Pethnakin
Manager Linköping

Being described as ”unreasonably happy” and with a big passion for people, I strive to build and maintain genuine relationships wherever I can. I love to watch people around me grow whether it be our consultants or customers, and if I can help in any way, trust me, I will. You can’t have a successful business without the right people.


Portrait of David Dormvik
David Dormvik
Test Engineer

The combination of a mindset trained in my education, and the technical aspects learned from the responsibilities of working close to developers, creates a creative, curious, and knowledgeable tester. Being the 'go to' guy for anything quality related in previous assignments I have honed my skills in 'talking the language' of testers, developers, support personnel, technical writers, and managers alike.


Portrait of David Smitmanis
David Smitmanis
Test Engineer

I'm a software tester with experience from domains like IPTV, aerospace and automotive. I'm motivated by the opportunity to keep learning about and exploring new technologies and how we interact with them.


Portrait of Dick Lundblad
Dick Lundblad
Test Engineer

I am an experienced software developer with a passion for teamwork and test automation. I love a good challenge whether it's in software or sports and I know from experience that it's always best achieved by teamwork. Quality, productivity and knowledge transfer are all positive side effects of teamwork but the most important part is that it adds more joy to the daily work.


Portrait of Dragan Maksimovic
Dragan Maksimovic
Test Engineer

As a seasoned software testing professional, I bring six years of valuable experience to the House of Test team. I specialize in developing testing strategies, planning, execution, and reporting, with an emphasis on automation. My skills ensure the delivery of high-quality solutions for seamless application delivery.


Portrait of Georg Lysén
Georg Lysén

In my more than 25 years of working with IT, I have come across the good, the bad and the ugly within software development, all of which helped me build a broad base to stand on and approach any new situation with confidence and skill.


Portrait of Göran Bakken
Göran Bakken
Test Engineer

Reality is king. Outcomes are largely dependent on decisions. And the quality of our decisions is largely depending on how well our understanding of stuff maps to reality.


Portrait of Henrik Andersson
Henrik Andersson

House of Test is my fuel, it is the platform to make ideas happen and it is our contribution to develop testing further. I co-founded this company to enable testers to live out their passion for testing in order to become the best skilled testers ever.


Portrait of Henrik Kjellberg
Henrik Kjellberg
Test Engineer

I'm a curious problem solver who approaches projects iteratively and pragmatically. I enjoy working both with technology and with the way of working. I also enjoy simplifying and challenging old truths.


Portrait of Ilari Henrik Aegerter
Ilari Henrik Aegerter
General Manager

Software Testing encapsulates both humans and things. That is why I am a Cyborg-Friendly Humanist. My goal is to make people successful and our clients happy.


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Portrait of Iván Riera Sánchez
Iván Riera Sánchez
Test Engineer

Formerly a computational mathematician specialising in logistics and process optimisation, I have found in testing my true vocation that I can work daily on improving the quality of software products.


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Portrait of Jacob Swenson
Jacob Swenson
Test Engineer

I am Jacob. When computer go "beep blorp" and look bad, I say "Wrong! It need go beep boop and look good!".


Portrait of Jan Wegner
Jan Wegner
Test Manager & Software Development Engineer in Test

I am a hands-on Software Development Engineer in Test and a capable technical person both on the engineering and test side. I pay attention to detail when analysing the systems under test and broaden the scope when presenting my findings and solutions to the customer.


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Portrait of Jerry Malm
Jerry Malm
Test Engineer

I'm the quality gatekeeper that will support your organization in determining when a product is ready for the market. The diversity of roles I've had allows me to contribute to vastly different contexts and gives me an edge when breaking down complex issues to create a way forward.


Portrait of Johan Magnussson
Johan Magnusson
CEO Gothenburg

PEOPLE and business. Helping you on the way to your goal is my focus. Experience from tech and quality services in various roles. You get far with joy, commitment and a punky mindset!


Portrait of Johanna Forsberg
Johanna Forsberg
Test Engineer

I am the master of breaking things! With over 10 years of experience in the business, I've tested everything from apps to e-bikes. No software is safe from my curious mind and meticulous attention to detail, not from the technical side nor from the business side.


Portrait of Johanna Ny
Johanna Ny

I’m a passionate marketer, content creator, and photographer. I have worked with branding and marketing for more than ten years, and I love that it’s constantly evolving, breaking through barriers for transformation, and finding new ways of creating value and engaging people.


Portrait of Jonatan Grahn
Jonatan Grahn
Test Engineer

I view myself as the social camelion that can work well with everybody. When i start at a new posistion i love to sit with people and ask them about the systems and how it functions. After 6 years of Software testing i still love what i do and always wants to learn more. Outside of work i am a home cook that likes to pair food with wine. I also like playing Dungeons & Dragons and have more Dice than i care to admit.


Portrait of Josefine Andréasson
Josefine Andréasson
Test Engineer

I've been working with testing for 5 years and testing is something I hope to continue doing for many years ahead. Try finding the bugs and strive for a really good quality it's what make this job so much fun!


Portrait of Kristofer Rosquist
Kristofer Rosquist
Test Engineer

As a committed, curious, analytical and result-oriented person with a high level of attention to detail, working with testing and quality is always a good match to my personality and values, whether it be when working with testing or development of embedded, automation or safety systems.


Portrait of Lars Hall
Lars Hall
Quality Consultant

I am passionate about working in a strategic business improvement role with a focus on Agile leadership, innovation, and continuous improvement. My goal is always to build a customer-oriented organization that consistently delivers better results. I have strengths in agile leadership, problem-solving, team building, as well as technical skills, such as experience in architecture, DevOps and Data Analytics. Additionally, my personal goal is to complete an Ironman.


Portrait of Lars
Lars Sjödahl
Test engineer

Lars is technically curious, a generalist, and considers himself an investigative cartographer of human-made systems, but over his 2 decades in IT he's has also become interested in how meta communication, problem framing, group psychology and cognitive biases influences how anything gets done (or doesn't).


Portrait of Lisa Hultgren
Lisa Hultgren
Test Engineer

I have always liked puzzles, solving problems and mysteries. What I love about being a tester is that I’m fortunate to apply my curious nature to my profession. I am happy when I am encouraged to ask questions and get to be creative. I enjoy working with people and am always eager to help others achieve their goals. I believe that being responsive and humble is important to achieve success as a team.


Portrait of Magnus Henriksson
Magnus Henriksson
Test Engineer

With two decades of experience in R&D, I am a proficient Project & Test Manager who can provide you with a comprehensive range of services. My expertise includes developing strategies, ensuring the team is adjusting to the working methods and processes, and executing plans efficiently. You can trust me to take care of everything.


Portrait of Martin Nilsson
Martin Nilsson
Test Engineer

With a passion for technology, making people grow and for companies to sharpen their competitiveness I am an ideal candidate for organizations looking to deliver software solutions that meet technical quality requirements and are aligned with the business values.


Mirza Catovic
Test Engineer


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Portrait of Natalia Szprega
Natalia Szprega
Test Engineer

I'm always an optimistic person with a passion for technology and nature. Good communication within the team and the software users' love is important to me. I believe nothing is impossible; sometimes, it just takes more time and effort.


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Portrait of Norbert Molnár
Norbert Molnár
Test Manager & Software Development Engineer in Test

I am a linguist and a software development engineer in test, currently building up expertise in banking. With professional experience spanning from Serbia to Oman, I've transitioned from an Arabic-speaking career counselor and UN researcher to an IT innovator, enhancing global workflows.


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Portrait of Olga Dietiker
Olga Dietiker
Test Engineer

As a Test Engineer, I believe every project offers different testing problems; there is never a „one-fits-all “ solution. I am driven by curiosity and a desire to make things work better. I love the world of agile, fast-paced projects in interdisciplinary teams, and I enjoy the art of software crafting from A to Z.


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Portrait of Pablo Vergés
Pablo Vergés
Pragmatic Underground Collie

With a passion for software development, I have accumulated diverse experience across various roles and organizations. My primary focus is to ensure clients can concentrate on doing the right things by helping them do things right. I am constantly motivated to explore innovative solutions in the field, striving for excellence in all aspects of my work.


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Portrait of Robert Karlsson
Robert Karlsson
Quality Consultant

I possess extensive experience and am always eager to take on new challenges in diverse fields. I am passionate about contributing to projects that positively impact society, even if it's in small ways. Additionally, I have a keen interest in creating statistical models using various techniques.


Mood & Health Coach

Salt is an essential member of the Lund office, as he strives to bring joy and productivity to those around him. He happily takes people on walks and enjoys pets and scratches. Additionally, he makes sure to greet all visitors that come through the door in a friendly manner.


Portrait of Sebastian Thuné
Sebastian Thuné
CEO Lund

"As a curious and creative professional, I am constantly seeking new influences to support sustainable growth. I am passionate about communication and problem-solving, and believe that at the core of any successful endeavor lies a deep appreciation for people and relationships. I firmly believe in hiring for character and training for skill. As a leader, I strive to create a collaborative and empowering environment where individuals are encouraged to have fun, challenge themselves, and grow."


Portrait of Sesse Castlind
Sese Castlind
Test engineer

Ingredients for a good day (no order): breaking software, make abrasive music, the kids are alright, listening to music that shake me, finding important bugs, play a nice board game(preferably won), beer with friends, jam over a cool riff, good team work, wake up in Berlin, happy partner(s) , a touch of love.


Portrait of Simon Berner
Simon Berner
Test Artisan

As an artisan, I found my way into Software Development and Testing many years ago. I am excited to learn new things every day and help you with your challenges!


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Portrait of Simon Reichenbach
Simon Reichenbach
Test Engineer

I am a passionate tester with a strong eye for detail. I'm an Enthusiast about context-driven testing but detest bad-performing computers and software.


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Portrait of Teresia
Teresia Claesson
Test Engineer

Why did you do that? Being a curious person, I often hear that question come my way. That is what testing is for me, thinking outside the box and trying new things. I have worked with QA, test and agile approaches for over a decade and still love to explore and improve products. Being a part of a team and helping developers strive for quality thinking is what makes working as a tester so much fun!


Portrait of Waseem Witwit
Waseem Witwit
Test Engineer

I have a great commitment and interest in the test and quality area with the focus on manual testing, software/hardware testing, test automation, test coach, test lead, ease of use and integration test. I have a drive to best solve my tasks and are not afraid to identify areas for improvement, highlighting my ideas and take initiative.
