Empowering Everyone to Test: The Power of Accessible Test Environments

Martin Nilsson
People working at an office Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Why accessible test environments matter

Modern software development is a multidisciplinary field where various competencies contribute to delivering high-quality software. However, some roles and stakeholders such as product owners, business owners, customer support and many others are often overlooked when it comes to testing. People can potentially uncover valuable information if they have easy access to test environments and a simple way to report found issues.

An example from a web application illustrates this point well. A new version of a specific part of the product had been developed with a refreshed user interface and workflow. While technically working, a domain expert discovered that it took eight clicks to perform a certain action in the new workflow compared to only two in the previous version. This might not be an issue if used sporadically but for end-users performing this action hundreds of times daily it could potentially be a big problem. This type of issues can be missed by developers and testers, and therefore it is important to access all knowledge in an organisation to increase the possibility of these issues being found at an earlier stage.

In this post, I will share why it's crucial to make the software under development accessible to everyone and share some personal stories from my experience.

A couple of stories about the value of making test environments available for all

In my role as test manager, one of the things I focus on is making the latest software accessible to everyone. In the following stories, I'll share how I've increased accessibility so more people in the organization can provide feedback on software under development.

Case 1: From months of fog to instant feedback by making test environments accessible

This story takes place in a 500-person software development organization where I was the test coordinator. We were developing a web application with a four-month release cycle. Every four months, we gained a good understanding of the software status due to our release testing.

The challenge of delayed insights

The main issue was the time between releases. Many stakeholders didn't interact with the software until release time because setting it up was cumbersome. This meant that some issues where the software technically worked but didn't suit end-users might not have been discovered until several months after code was considered "done."

Example of such issues where our recurring problem with the language support for Japanese. Every four months, we'd brought in a person from another part of the organisation with in-depth knowledge about the language to test an environment we had set up. Every time we were surprised with issues in the language implementation that were consistently uncovered just before release, requiring last-minute, high-effort remedies. With earlier knowledge about these problems, we would have avoided a lot of stress towards the release. Since there was no test environment for our Japanese expert to test in between the releases there was no way of finding the issues earlier.  

Weekly invitations to test the latest software

To address this challenge and tap into the knowledge of various stakeholders and roles earlier, my colleagues and I started deploying the latest versions weekly. We then sent out invitations to the whole organization to log in and review the new software and mail us if they found issues.

This simple action eliminated the need to wait for major releases before stakeholders could provide feedback. Here are some highlights from the outcome:

  • Everyone in the organization became empowered to contribute with their knowledge and insights, from support team to business owners.  
  • People could test and play with the latest software, providing feedback by simply replying to the invitation.
  • We could monitor the system and look for issues that might not be spotted if we only had developers or testers using the system.  
  • The performance test team sometimes took the opportunity to load test the system opening new opportunities to ask the users about their experience.  
  • Disaster tests became more interesting as we could check with users about their reaction and experience.  
  • The customer support team got the chance to in advance look at the new software and start preparing for what kind of questions they might receive from the field.  

Faster feedback loop  

We reduced the potential feedback loop from up to four months down to one week by providing a test environment accessible to everyone. My colleagues later took it further by setting up big touchscreens around the building where a browser was running the latest deployed versions. This meant that everyone in the building could walk up to a touchscreen and test out the latest software version, effectively making the potential feedback loop almost instantaneous.

Case 2: Automatically setting up a hardware product for testing  

This story takes place in a smaller development organization with two development teams. Simplified we were developing a hardware product that moved a mechanical arm from point A to point B based on sensor inputs and user configurations, controlled by software and configurable using a mobile phone. There was an office were the development team sat, and we had a test lab with different hardware configurations. The product lived and died by fulfilling industry standards and I was developing the test automation system. When I joined the team, there was a small Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline setup for unit testing new code on controller boards.

The challenge of manual software deployment

There was significant time wasted manually hooking up USB-dongles to laptops and flashing the software to be tested on the hardware. Issues such as software versions were wrong, cables incorrectly connected, or new code had completely broken rudimentary functionality could take a long time to resolve. If domain experts needed a specific version set up for testing, it could take half a day to find the right developer, flash the correct version, and get the expert started.

The change – Automatic tests and deployments

My goal was simple: Make it as fast as possible for anyone to test out new code on the hardware while ensuring that at least basic functionality was working. Step by step, I expanded on the CI pipeline:

  • In our office, I connected a small hardware setup to the pipeline and ran a rudimentary check that the new code hadn't broken the simplest arm movement from A to B.
  • In the test lab, I connected several hardware test configurations using Raspberry Pi's. These small computers allowed automatic flashing of controller boards and setting up of new software.

Coffee in the making, Photo by Elin Melaas on Unsplash

Faster than getting coffee

Anyone could now choose a software version and configuration to test, then grab a cup of coffee. Upon returning to the test lab with their warm drink, they'd find the software correctly flashed on the right controller boards, with rudimentary functionality checked to be working. If there was a problem with the software, they'd be notified without needing additional investigation.

This change made it very easy for domain experts to test new functionality and verify if it fulfilled the important standards. Simple tests that could take a day to perform due to manual steps could now be done within half an hour (including coffee time).

Additionally, I placed the office test-hardware in the line of sight of the project lead which allowed him to see when code was broken because of the arm moving in interesting and artistic ways instead of the correct but boring movement. It also made it simple for him to walk up to the test door and get a feel for how the software was progressing, thus making it possible for him to provide feedback.  

What you can do

There are some simple points you can keep in mind in your development project:  

  • Focus from the start of a project on automatically deploying new versions to test environments accessible for everyone, not just developers or testers.
  • Make it easy for people to report issues, even without access to regular bug reporting systems.
  • Keep people informed about what's currently deployed, what's new and encourage people to test and play even if they are not developers or testers.
  • Make sure people understand the value their input can bring.  

A practical tip: If you are working in an Agile way, use your Definition of Done. State that a new feature should be deployed to an accessible test environment after sprint demonstration and send out release notes to the organization. In other words, if not everyone can test out the new software, then it is not done yet.


The idea is simple yet powerful: Focus on making it easy to automatically deploy new code to test environments that non-developer roles can access. By doing so, you empower more of your organization and tap into previously untapped knowledge. This enables faster feedback about issues and challenges that developers and testers might miss.